
Evoluția situației politice din spațiul nord-pontic și destinul unor localități din stậnga Nistrului (sec. XIV-XVIII)

Evoluția situației politice din spațiul nord-pontic și destinul unor localități din stậnga Nistrului (sec. XIV-XVIII)

The evolution of the political situation in the north-pontic space and the destiny of some localities on the left bank of the Dniester (XIV-XVIII centuries)

CZU: 94(478)”14/18”32(478))”14/18”

Pag. 154-169

Chirtoagă Ion

Institutul de Istorie, USM

Disponibil în IBN: 7 octombrie 2024


Starting from the year 1383 the Principality of Moldova periodically expanded its authority to the east of Dniester. Podolia was part of Moldova in 1383-1387. After 1387, periodically Moldova was introducing its administration in Caraul, Cern and other localities to the east of Dniester. After the establishment in 1634 of the Polish-Tatar demarcation line on Iagorlâc and Codâma (tributaries of the rivers Dniester and Bug), the Dubăsari district was formed to the south of this border, led by a Kamaykam (administrator) of Romanian origin, subordinated to the Crimean Khan. New localities with Romanian population began to appear in the Dubăsari district. After the annexation of this territory by the Russian Empire new localities were founded, that were populated by different ethnic groups.

Moldova, Poland, Podolia, Lithuania, Crimeea, the Ottoman Empire, CERN, Caraul

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