
Дослідження литовської метрики в Україні

Дослідження литовської метрики в Україні

Research of lithuanian metric in Ukraine

CZU: 94[44:(47+57)]:(474.5:477.1)”12/1561”

Pag. 100-118
Ващук Дмитро
Институт истории Национальной Академии наук Украины

Disponibil în IBN: 7 octombrie 2024

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The article discusses research conducted by Ukrainian historians on the Lithuanian Metrica or Metrica of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This powerful complex comprises 663 storage units in the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents (Moscow), as well as several original copies in the Central Archives of Historical Records (Warsaw). The act material in these books enables the study of political, military, economic, social, legal, and other facets of the history of Central and Eastern European countries. The chronological scope spans from the late 1970s of the XX century and until today. The article commences with a scholarly analysis of M. Kovalskyi’s works. Additionally, it provides an overview of monographs, articles, and dissertations referencing the materials from the Lithuanian Metrica. Specifically, it discusses the scholarly contributions of H. Boriak, P. Kulakovskyi, Yu. Sviatets, H. Vynohradov, S. Abrosymova, V. Atamanenko, O. Diachok, O. Rusyna, L. Demchenko, V. Polishchuk, D. Vashchuk, A. Blanutsa, L. Zherebtsova.

Lithuanian Metrica, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, source studies, Central-Eastern Europe, Ukrainian historians

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