Apeluri de finanţare şi cooperare
Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei
Centrul Proiecte Internaționale al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei (nr. înregistrării de stat nr. 1008601000857 din 11.07.2008) se reorganizează prin fuziune (absorbție) in Agenția Națională pentru Ceretare și Dezvoltare ( Hotărârea Guvernului nr.196 din 28 februarie 2018 cu privire la organizarea și funcționarea Agenției Naționale pentru Cercetare și Dezvoltare, Monitorul Oficial nr.68-76 din 02.03.2018). Creanțele creditorilor se ...Detalii
JRC S3 Newsletter March 2018
Smart Specialisation and industrial modernisation In this editorial, Slawomir Tokarski, Director of Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing, within the Directorate General for Internal Market, industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of the European Commission, shares his view of Smart Specialisation and industrial modernisation issues. Read more… Smart Stories: Sharing your experience of implementing S3 In the challenging ...Detalii
Water JPI International Conference on Emerging pollutants in freshwater ecosystems
The Academy of Finland will organise the 2nd Water JPI Conference in Helsinki on 6–7 June 2018. The aim of the international conference is to attract some 200 experts in emerging pollutants to meet and discuss common challenges and share their recent discoveries and knowledge. The conference is targeted at both researchers and end-users, especially policy-makers. Come and contribute towards ...Detalii
ERC Newsletter, Spring 2018 issue
Climate change – just two words that represent one of the biggest and most complex challenges that humanity faces. Ground-breaking research is needed to tackle it at its source. In this issue we explore solutions coming from unexpected places, for example soil enzymes and aerosol mixtures. European Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič gives his view ...Detalii
Honorary Membership of MCAA to EURAXESS Worldwide
The Marie Curie Alumni Association has offered Honorary Membership of MCAA (Marie Curie Fellowship Association) to EURAXESS Worldwide. The award has been made at the Annual Conference and General Assembly on the 2nd of February at the KU Leuven. The award is made to Euraxess Worldwide as a legal person: this means that all Euraxess ...Detalii

Institutul de Istorie, str. Academiei 3/2, MD2028, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
tel.: (+373) 022 738400 | e-mail: institut.istorie@gmail.com
Administrare și întreținere site web: Andrei EMILCIUC