
Date și interpretări noi privind comunitatea armeană din Orhei în perioada țaristă

Date și interpretări noi privind comunitatea armeană din orhei în perioada țaristă

New data and interpretations regarding the armenian community in orhei during the tsarist period

CZU: 94(=19)(478-21)”17”

Pag. 45-54

Gumenâi Ion

Institutul de Istorie, USM

Disponibil în IBN: 5 octombrie 2024


The material was written based on original documents from the National Archive of the Republic of Armenia and historiographical sources on the subject. First of all, the topic regarding the appearance of the Armenian community in Orhei is analysed, then the demographic evolution of the ethno-confessional community of Armenians in Orhei, establishing the concrete figures in different periods, as well as the growth curve and the decline of this community, including the main concerns and the main representatives of Armenians in this location. Special attention was also drawn to the issue regarding the place of worship of the Armenian community in Orhei, the years when it was built and rebuilt, what function it performed in the sense that it can be classified as a church or house of prayer.

Armenians, Orhei, Armenian Church, Bessarabia

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