
Receptarea operei lui Dimitrie Cantemir în Basarabia postbelică (anii ‘50-’70)

Receptarea operei lui Dimitrie Cantemir în Basarabia postbelică (anii ‘50-’70)

The reception of Dimitrie Cantemir’s work in post-war Bessarabia (the 1950S-1970S)

CZU: 94(478)”16/17”(092)

Pag. 83-90
Bobână Gheorghe
Institutul de Istorie, USM

Disponibil în IBN: 7 octombrie 2024

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The research of Dimitrie Cantemir’s work in post-war Bessarabia began in the 1950s. Editions of Cantemirian writings appear in Chisinau (Hieroglyphic History, 1957, Description of Moldova, 1957). The first monographic study belongs to Vasiliy Ermuratski Public and political views of Dmitrie Cantemir. Chisinau, 1956, 103 p., in which the author is among the first to introduce the original Cantemirian manuscripts, preserved in museums and libraries in Russia, into the scientific circuit. The monograph Dmitre Cantemir - thinker and state figure belongs to the same author. Chisinau, 1973, 154 p., edited for the 300th anniversary of Dimitrie Cantemir›s birth. Towards this anniversary was also published in Chisinau the monograph of Vasile Coroban Dimitrie Cantemir - humanist writer. Chisinau, 1973, 284 p. and the work of Tatiana Ursu The language of Dimitrie Cantemir’s Chronicle. Chisinau, 1973, 255 p. The activity of research and editing in the Moldavian SSR of Cantemirian work deserves to be appreciated and promoted

writings, Cantemir, Moldova, historiography, manuscripts

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